CAST STEM Bridge Summer Camp: This event provides a 6-week summer research training for high school students (K-12 students)
High School Students: William Feng, Nathan Tu, Mingyue Xia, Elise Liang (Group 13)
Graduate Assistant: Matthew Beltran, Jiayi Zhang
Project: Exploring the influence of salt concentration of electrolytes on the cycling performance of zinc-ion battery
NSF REU Event (May 20th to July 26th): This event provides a 9-week research training for undergraduate students supported by the NSF REU program
Students: Aaron Maclovio Merritt (UT San Antonio)
Graduate Assistant: Matthew Beltran
Project: Optimizing synthesis conditions for halide-based solid-state electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries.
Aaron won the Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Award during the poster competition at the end of the event. [Link]
URAP Program Event: This event provides a 3-month research training for undergraduate students at UT Dallas
Students: Jordan Gatts
Graduate Assistant: Yuan Tan
Project: Synthesizing sulfide-based solid-state electrolytes through microwave radiation.
Jordan won the Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Award during the poster competition at the end of the event. [Link]
Training for Undergraduate Students from Uzbekistan: The event provides a 4-week research training for undergraduate students from Uzbekistan (a developing country)
Students: Malika Sobirova, Azimjon Jamolov, Muzaffarbek Mamadiyev
Graduate Assistant: Jiayi Zhang
Project: The impact of current density on the cycling stability of Li metal battery.