Classroom Teaching

2024 Fall semester

MSEN 5300 (MECH 5300 and PHYS 5376): Introduction to Materials Science

2024 spring semester

MSEN 7v80.001: Electrochemical Energy Devices (M, W: 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm, location: PHY 1.103)

MSEN 7V80.002: Electrochemical Energy Devices Lab (F: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, location: RL B.524)

Almost all students give a 10/10 rating after the class. A few comments from students:

(1) The whole course seemed like a story. The instructor explained all the critical factors very clearly. 

(2) The course exceeded my expectations. The course has been invaluable in developing/growing my knowledge and skills for my future career. 

(3) Professor Su is one of my favorite UTD professors. His personable nature, and infections, positive energy are just a few characteristics that distinguish him as an excellent professor. 

(4) So far, this is the best course that I took in graduate level. This was beyond my expectations compared to my previous electrochemistry courses taken in BS. and MS.

(5) It was truly a privilege and a pleasure to be a part of this course.

Other Teaching Activities

2024 CAST STEM Bridge Summer Camp (6 weeks summer research training for high school students)

High School Students: William Feng, Nathan Tu, Mingyue Xia, Elise Liang

Graduate Assistant: Matthew Beltran, Jiayi Zhang

Project: Exploring the influence of salt concentration of electrolytes on the cycling performance of zinc-ion battery